My strategy, as it became clear immediately, was not going to take me down a lot of roads I knew. True I am an "out-of-towner" if you will, but I can get around just fine. But the point of this walk was not to get around but to be around and, therefore, I became lost very quickly. You may ask "lost in relation to where? Your destination? You don't have one." Well that question was rhetorical and I didn't appreciate it at all. Anyway I came upon a construction street, which is a lot like a construction site except that it's unclear what's being constructed and generally there's just a lot of tubes and a bulldozer lying around. So I did what seemed natural and stuck my hand in a tube and hit the outside to feel for, well, whatever it would feel like. It felt awesome, by the way. But it sounded better. So I placed my microphones inside and let loose on the piping. I floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee if a bee could sting more than once before losing its stinger and dying (had Mr. Ali researched his metaphors more thoroughly perhaps we would all be saying, "I float like a butterfly and sting like a swarm of like-minded bees"). When I hit harder some ice crystals could be heard falling off the inside of the pipe. And that's the story of how I set the ice free from it's plastic prison.
Listen To My Triumph Here
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