Gentlemen, in my travels I have come upon many an aluminum can thrown down upon a street corner; perhaps out of spite, perhaps due to alcohol consumption, perhaps because the guy was a douche and didn't notice that there was a garbage can like five feet away, I mean COME ON, Really?! This isn't biodegradable it's full of Red Bull! What if a spider got into it, huh? Then we'd have flying spiders. I just don't want to live in that world man. So don't litter. For anyone who wanted a moral, there you go. And now to my point. On this particular walk when I saw that aluminum can thrown down upon the ground I didn't get angry or fantasize about flying spiders surrounding hummer dealerships; I simply crushed it, and recorded its destruction. Musician Ezra Furman once wrote "my rule of thumb: the world is all aluminum." I'm not sure what he meant by that, but were the world all aluminum, this is what death would sound like.
Listen To The Apocalypse!
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